Introducing Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) in Switzerland

Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) is a new program developed by the VIA Institute on Character that brings together the latest science of mindfulness and character strengths into a practical learning experience to help people flourish by getting in conscious contact with their inner strengths (e.g., social intelligence, leadership, teamwork, creativity, honesty, bravery, perspective, etc.). Subscribe to our newsletter

The MBSP program introduces the art of developing character strengths and well-being through mindfulness, proposing a blending of experiential exercises, different types of mindfulness practices, dyad discussions, and group sharing.
MBSP is inspired by well-known health-oriented Mindfulness Based Interventions (MBI), like the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) work of Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, and the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) work of Dr. Zindel Segal, as well as the teachings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

The MBSP has been piloted in several countries since 2014 with proven positive results and is now offered for the first time in Switzerland led by Jaume Gallifa and co-led by Dana Walden and Sonia Domínguez.

This intensive 8-week in-person program is built upon 8 sessions of 2h30 each. Additional 30 min. of warm-up mindful yoga movements and body awareness exercises are offered as an introduction to each session. Homework assignments include mindfulness and character strengths reading and practical exercises. The 8 weekly sessions are supplemented with a mindfulness day retreat.

The 8-week workshop starts Friday, August 30, 2019 at 19h30 and finishes in October. 2 practical info sessions of 1h30 are offered Wednesdays July 24 and August 28, 2019 at 19h30.
All info and weekly sessions, and the mindfulness day retreat will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, at l’Assise.
The VIA Institute on Character is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the science of character strengths to the world –

By promoting MBSP, Gallifa & Partner LLC intents to position strategically as a key partner for transformational change and strengths flourishing in Switzerland.

More information and enrollment at and

Jaume Gallifa, MBA, ACC, is the Managing Director of Gallifa & Partner LLC, a professional services company specialized in transformational change and flourishing. He can be reached at or via LinkedIn.
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MBSP brings together the latest science of mindfulness and character strengths into an active learning experience to help people flourish by getting in conscious contact with their inner strengths.

The brochure attached contains detailed information about the 8-week in-person MBSP program that will take place in Basel, Switzerland, starting on Friday January 15, 2021 at 18h at Zentrum für Achtsamkeit Basel/Center for Mindfulness Basel.

Thematic and info workshop sessions to learn more and experience the integration of mindfulness and character strengths for flourishing are offered regularly. Details and inscriptions at the Lausanne event page or the Basel event page.
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